L’art subtil de choisir ses vêtements d’hiver

The subtle art of choosing your winter clothes

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Yes, the days are getting longer. Yes, the sun is getting bolder. Yes, the mercury is venturing a little higher each day. But no, winter is not over. Far from it. Two good months of cold still lie ahead of us, and there is no question of uncovering a single thread.

In today's article, we discuss the subtle art of choosing your winter clothes to accompany you with panache in this final, icy stretch.

The ABCs of good cold-proof armor

Clothes are a formidable bulwark against the elements, provided you use them correctly. The rules differ depending on whether we are trying to protect ourselves from heat, cold, wind or rain; and we will review the major topics to consider in winter : layout, material and cut. All sprinkled with a pinch of style advice, passion obliges.

The arrangement of clothes in winter

When the thermometer ventures below 10°C, there are several golden rules to follow to avoid ending up frozen.

First, it is imperative to protect your extremities and particularly exposed areas : feet, hands, ears and neck. We cannot recommend enough that you invest in thick socks , quality gloves , a soft hat and a warm scarf .

Next, it is essential to favor the onion technique over the turtle technique.

In other words, several layers of clothing will always keep you warmer than a single layer of bulky clothing. Ideally, three to four layers are necessary to maintain optimal thermal comfort. This value is not the same on the Riviera and in the north of Hauts-de-France, but you get the general idea. An undershirt , a dense sweater , a work jacket and a coat : this is the perfect recipe for staying bundled up until the return of good weather.

Finally, it is essential to keep yourself dry by getting yourself a decent umbrella. The slightest infiltration of water can reduce all your efforts to nothing, in addition to giving you a nasty sore throat.

Materials to favor in winter

In our opinion, no one will fall off their chair when reading that wool is the queen of winter materials. A living fiber known and recognized for its thermoregulatory properties, wool is a great ally to brave the assaults of Mother Nature. Warm and breathable, cozy and comforting, soft and fluffy, it brings together everything we miss between October and April.

However, other parameters come into play to guarantee you satisfactory thermal performance; first and foremost are the weaving/knitting technique and density. Even if it is 100% wool, a garment will not protect you if it is light and openwork, which is why you should favor tight frames and heavy pieces (over 275 gr/m2 for a sweater , over 350 gr/m2 for a coat ). These values ​​are indicative but in reality, you will measure by touch whether the piece that catches your eye is thick and insulating enough to brave the extreme cold.

In addition, and still in the family of beneficial materials in winter, we cannot resist the pleasure of mentioning cotton corduroy . A true icon of the 70s , this beautifully textured fabric has brought its ribs back to the forefront for a few seasons, to the great delight of lovers of beautiful textiles. Soft and generous, the most graphic fabric in the wardrobe is a choice alternative when it's cold , provided you choose sufficiently wide stripes. A word of advice: don't deprive yourself of it.

As usual, the important thing is to rely on natural materials and to stay at a reasonable distance from polyester, polyamide, elastane and other synthetic materials that make you sweat more than they keep you warm. Not to mention their environmental impact and the health disaster they are the source of, it goes without saying.

The importance of cutting in winter

At Hast, we practice and recommend the art of crescendo in terms of cutting. Even more so in winter. The concept is simple: start with pieces that are close to the body and move towards a slightly looser fit with each additional layer.

This strategy allows you to trap body heat with the first layer and take care of the “nesting doll” aspect with the following ones , without compromising on ease and freedom of movement. For example, you could opt for a tight-fitting t-shirt at level 1, a fitted wool turtleneck at level 2, a straight cardigan or overshirt at level 3 and a looser duffle coat to frame it all. The onion is strength, as the saying goes.

One last detail

This last point may seem anecdotal but it is not for a penny: never underestimate the power of color in winter. When night falls around 5:30 p.m. and you alternate between colds, fever and sore throats, morale can drop in no time. Luckily, colors have the power to bring a little cheerfulness in the middle of these black and white months, which is far, very far, from being insignificant. Bordeaux , green , plum , red , sage : we assure you that it doesn't take much to be happy.

The final word

In short, winter is a season that is entirely possible to enjoy, provided you face it well dressed. By “well dressed”, we obviously mean “dressed with style”, but also and above all “dressed appropriately”. If you pile up quality pieces - made with natural materials - while respecting a certain chromatic harmony and a necessary coherence in the distribution of cuts, you will inevitably be the phoenix of the hosts of these woods.

On these beautiful words, we wish you a pleasant and appropriately dressed end of winter.

Warmly yours.